sábado, 14 de abril de 2012

Utopía y melancolía

Las teorías se refieren a cualquier cosa menos a su presente. Los teóricos vivien pensando en un futuro utópico, y añorando épocas pasadas . Así ha de ser para que exista inspiración para teorizar.

martes, 20 de marzo de 2012

Hoy sigue lo mismo, y también aplica para LGTBI

<<Según el escrito de Magdala Velásquez (1995), en 1934, cuando Germán Arciniegas era Ministro de Educación de Enrique Olaya Herrera y desde cuando fue congresista unos años antes, se opuso a que las mujeres ingresaran a la universidad, con el argumento de que "esto de la coeducación trae como consecuencia principal varios trastornos sexuales" (p.220)>>. Arciniegas agregó argumentos, expuestos por Alfonso X El Sabio (S.XIII): "La mujer no es sujeto competente para ciertos menesteres y profesiones"

Tomado de: http://www.encolombia.com/medicina/academedicina/academianavol223-lapaarejah1.htm

lunes, 12 de marzo de 2012

Percepciones militares

Tomado de : http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-15499138

"I sent them a good boy and they sent me back a murderer”
Mother of a Vietnam War veteran.

"'Kill team' trial: Are atrocities inevitable in war?"

Body counts

The structural causes are more plausible as a general explanation.

Training on the rules of war is clearly inadequate, while training to kill is intensive.

A survey of US troops in Iraq at the height of the violence there found one-third of marines and one-quarter of soldiers saying that their leaders failed to tell them not to mistreat civilians.

Another army survey in 2007 found that "only 38% of marines and 47% of soldiers said non-combatants should be treated with dignity and respect."

More than one-third said torture of civilians was permissible to get information, and 17% viewed all civilians as insurgents.

Attitudes among officers during the Vietnam War were similar.

A survey of officer candidates in 1967 found half willing to use torture to get information, and a very large survey in 1970 found that 15% of officers and enlisted men did not comprehend the rules of war.

One-third of them gave incorrect answers to more than half of the questions about those rules, which are meant to protect civilians.

A study of US soldiers in World War II found that only 15% to 20% ever discharged their weapons, even in the midst of combat.At the same time the training of soldiers to be killers is powerful.

Training changed that to 55% in the Korean War and 90% in Vietnam.

Some scholars say this shows a natural reluctance to kill other humans, a behaviour that must be hammered out of new soldiers in training.

The attitude of field officers is another major problem.

Officers were under pressure to produce high body counts of enemy in Vietnam and those pressures persist.

Killing civilians requires an investigation, so officers are prone to err on the side of describing all fatalities as those of the enemy.

In a survey, less than half of troops in Iraq told researchers that they report civilian casualties while 10% admitted they had harmed civilians.

sábado, 7 de enero de 2012

No vimos nuestras imperfecciones hasta que los medios hicieron comunes las perfecciones: no bajo su propia voluntad, sino bajo su incapacidad de recrear las imperfecciones.

jueves, 5 de enero de 2012

Biblia 2011

No me inquieta el que haya sido bestseller, lo que me confunde es la cuestión de las traducciones y el toque literario